MTM Solutions continue to hold its long established and reputation for creating productive solutions for office spaces in Singapore. Sound might not seem important in an office environment, but the noise level (or lack thereof) in a work area directly affects employee productivity. If employees are distracted by things like conversations, phone calls, or loud…
Jenna Spinelle
Acoustic Storyteller
Writer and music lover from the United States. Excited to tell the world about the power of acoustics!
Introduction Prehistoric caves usually have a story to tell. We are all familiar with the stunning prehistoric paintings found in caves across the world: Lascaux, Altamira, Bhimbetka, and many more. This artistic breakthrough in human evolution allows us to imagine how our ancestors lived. But how much do you know about the acoustics of these…
Tena Lazarevic
Blog Writer
An architect, sound artist, and music lover. Mostly guided by intuition and interested in exploring the borders of architecture.
Dive into the interview with a Dutch biofeedback artist Beer van Geer, who uses heartbeat as a creative tool to make immersive multi-sensory environments Beer van Geer (Universal Mediaman) is a media artist from Netherlands, who works in the fields of interactive biofeedback design. He develops systems that explore and explain the human world using…
Tena Lazarevic
Blog Writer
An architect, sound artist, and music lover. Mostly guided by intuition and interested in exploring the borders of architecture.
City life is more likely to cause to a state of depression and anxiety than living in rural environments, among others, due to the chronic noise exposure. Many recent studies show that urban noise pollution leads to health disorders such as heart problems, hearing loss, diminished productivity, sleep disruption, impaired learning, and more. However, we…
Tena Lazarevic
Blog Writer
An architect, sound artist, and music lover. Mostly guided by intuition and interested in exploring the borders of architecture.
How does autism affect people? Certain sounds can cause distress to many people. Just think about loud traffic noise, high pitched microphone feedback, sirens. nails scraping a surface etc. Most of us have difficulties processing this sensorial information. Luckily, most of these sounds are not constant. Now imagine that for some people, who are having…
Tena Lazarevic
Blog Writer
An architect, sound artist, and music lover. Mostly guided by intuition and interested in exploring the borders of architecture.
National Day brings a whole lot of reminiscence for everyone. As Singapore celebrates 52 years of independence, we progress into the country that is built to prosper. What are some of the common sounds we hear that makes National Day what it is? National Day for many is a time for recollecting thoughts, spending moments…
Daryl Stewart
Digital Marketing Strategist
Music lover, movie lover and loves the mystery of life! Believes in true happiness and living one day at a time! Loves to drink tea and of course juice!
I want people to see the garden as a place for observing themselves intently… not comprehending the garden that extends in front of one’s eyes as an objective target, but just considering it as part of oneself – I want people to view the garden they are gazing on and their own selves as one….
Tena Lazarevic
Blog Writer
An architect, sound artist, and music lover. Mostly guided by intuition and interested in exploring the borders of architecture.
Kid’s bedroom and living conditions in Singapore has become a prime concern. A noisy city with residential apartments being near traffic noise. Little do they know that this noise raised huge complaints to the authorities. Look no further, this blog post explains the importance of the ideal kid’s bedroom. The evidence is finally uncovered and…
Daryl Stewart
Digital Marketing Strategist
Music lover, movie lover and loves the mystery of life! Believes in true happiness and living one day at a time! Loves to drink tea and of course juice!
Unique acoustic locations can sometimes take concerts to a whole new level. Concert halls, theatres, and clubs around the world allow bands to make a living playing the music they love for fans and give those fans an opportunity to see their favourite artists in person. But, these venues can be acoustically monotonous. If you’ve…
Jenna Spinelle
Acoustic Storyteller
Writer and music lover from the United States. Excited to tell the world about the power of acoustics!
From small acoustic panels to large inflatable concert halls, the world of acoustics has changed a lot in the past decade. Keeping up with acoustic innovations and knowing how to make the most of them is what separates a good sound engineer from a great one. Acoustic Innovations 1: Membrane Absorber, Modex Module RPG AcousticsSoundzipper…
Jenna Spinelle
Acoustic Storyteller
Writer and music lover from the United States. Excited to tell the world about the power of acoustics!