
DIY Recording Studio Basics for Anyone

DIY Recording Studio

A DIY Recording Studio is usually easy for those who have experience but what about those whose hearts are burn with passion for music and wanted to become a Youtube star? Many questions come up and some of us aren’t aware of what to do?  Fear not! This insight offers some suggestions or factors to how…

Jaron Chan

Jaron Chan

Acoustic Intern

A big fan of Musical and Theater productions. Love how a story, can be told through music. Touching each and everyone of us.



What To Look For In A Good Jamming Studio?

jamming studio

You’re in a band. You feel like you need to unleash the inner musician in you that has been dormant all this while. But you’re in Singapore. Your house is too small for a jam and your neighbours are probably going to complain about the noise. So where do you go then? Easy, a jamming…

Paul Forrester

Paul Forrester

Acoustics Design Specialist

I love anything to do with music, from how its made to what you can make from it. I am the modern day peace and nature lover who comes with a whole lot of conviction and aspirations for this world.



Why Is Flush Mounting Speakers So Important For The Quality Of Your Sound?

flush mounting speakers

Flush mounting speakers increase exponentially the sound quality of your space, plus allows you to save some space in your room and look good at the same time; without having any hanging wires lying on the floor. Why Flush Mounting Speakers Are you building a control room or a cinema (or a home cinema)? Well…

Adrian Lo

Adrian Lo

Acoustic Engineer & Founder of Soundzipper

My passions are learning, music and videogames. I believe life should be lived with purpose and together as One. I am always tinkering with something in technology and making things better.



A Sound Engineer’s Priorities In Post-Production Room

sound engineer

Sound engineers have to deal with room acoustics if they want an objective listening in their post production work. Are you a sound engineer working at home or in the studio? Whatever the case, even if you have the rarest, most expensive outboard studio equipment, all these will be useless – if nothing is done to prioritize…

Jordan Chia

Jordan Chia

Musician and Founder of Pixel Apartment

A multi-instrumentalist, producer and audio engineer, involved in many recording projects and performances in recent years, also a regular performing musician, playing keyboards, electric bass and singing in Pixel Apartment and MUON in many festivals.



Choose The Right Recording Microphone!

Recording Microphone

So you want get your first recording microphone for your brand new Digital Audio Workstation. Which one should you pick? In this post, we will look at a few types of recording microphones and their common uses.

Jordan Chia

Jordan Chia

Musician and Founder of Pixel Apartment

A multi-instrumentalist, producer and audio engineer, involved in many recording projects and performances in recent years, also a regular performing musician, playing keyboards, electric bass and singing in Pixel Apartment and MUON in many festivals.